Feel free to drop us an email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
📧Email us:keegan@keeganscaramels.com
💌 Write to Us:
If you prefer the charm of handwritten letters or wish to send us something, here is our address:
Keegan’s Caramels
3712 Foothill Blvd # A, Tujunga, CA 91214
Collaboration and Sponsorship:
Inspired by our mission and want to collaborate or contribute towards sponsoring a disadvantaged youth? We are always excited about new partnerships and ways to make a bigger impact together.
Collaboration Inquiry
Your support and communication keep the spirit of Keegan’s Caramels alive and the community flourishing. We eagerly look forward to connecting with you, sharing stories, and spreading the caramel sweetness far and wide.
💡 Suggest new ideas:
Excited and you want to contribute - Email me your ideas!